* Use an adequate volume to ensure complete wetting of the crop to be treated.
Aminolom® FULL BOX is a calcium (Ca) and boron (B) biostimulant with free L-amino acids and specially selected natural extracts of plant origin. Recommended in all types of crops to correct and prevent the appearance of physiopathies such as fruit cracking, rotting, hollow stem, tip burn, or aplical rot.
Aminolom® FULL BOX is designed so that the calcium and boron in its formula act in a synergistic and complementary manner, achieving better integrity of the fruit skin (epicarp) and an increase in its turgor. These two factors are highly valued by the markets since they positive impact on the quality of the fruit and its post-harvest period.
In addition, the product activates the consolidation of the skin, helping to increase the number of viable fruits and, therefore, the production.
The main benefits of this calcium boron fertilizer are: