A trial was carried out in garlic cultivation to demonstrate the efficacy of Alfredo Iñesta’s biostimulants and defense inducers. Initially, the proposal consisted of reducing the use of fungicides by 50%. The development of the test was positive, therefore, it was decided to suppress the application of fungicides 100%, carrying the crop forward using only Alfredo Iñesta products. The yield in the treated area was 10% higher than in the control area.
Trial Design
Two areas were delimited within the farm:
1. The control area where the applications detailed in point 5.
2 were used. The area treated with Alfredo Iñesta products where the recommended protocol of Alfredo Iñesta products was used.
To evaluate the efficacy of the products and compare the control area with the treated area, measurements of the weight of the harvest in kg / ha were taken in each area.
According to the data shown in table 2, in the area treated with Alfredo Iñesta products a 10% higher harvest was obtained than in the control area, on the other hand, although the objective of the trial was established to reduce the use of fungicides in a 50%, given the health of the crop, the decision was made to dispense with fungicides. Therefore, we can affirm that the defense inducers were able to replace 100% the use of fungicides.
The cultivation was carried out without using any fungicide and achieving improved performance compared to the control.